Sunday, October 28, 2007

Kite Flying

The say the best cure for a hangover is to go outside and fly a kite. I don't know if that's true or not but I'm going to see if it works. Wish me luck!

I Agree

It's better to disagree sometimes than to be constantly agreeable.

What a Country!

Somewhere I read that night doesn't fall in America, it actually rises. Maybe when it starts to get dark outside we can go out and take a look.

Don't Make Me Miserable

I talked to my dad the other day. We had a fight last week and we got real angry. Later we apologized and realized we were both wrong. Sometimes it's not cool to be the same under different circumstances, don't you agree?

Ladies and Gentlemen

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, meet my surprise for the day. I know you're just going to love the free apple pie.

Drinking it all in

Sometimes it's best to sit upside down and take in the future one breath at a time. Don't you agree?

Good Friends

Good friends are hard to come by. They really are. That's why it's best to pay them to stick around.